I have been through an emotional roller coaster. I have since found out that the adoption is more than likely a scam
. There are no triplets

. I have accepted this . How could anyone in the world ever torture a person who would give her life to give my husband a child!.
This woman knew about the losses that my husband and I have suffered. She sat and watched me cry, talking about our losses. She let me get attached to the children she has custody of. I kept asking her for an ultrasound to see our babies, but she could never produce one. I see a counselor weekly because of a breakdown I had, believing the possibility of our dream coming true...but all the time being manipulated by this woman. My counselor said, "Lesa, you are a prime candidate for someone to scam, it's obvious how badly you long for a child. What are the odds that someone gets pregnant with triplets without fertility drugs??, not likely." I just don't understand HOW anyone could take pleasure in hurting a person so badly???? This woman even called me Monday, February 5th, after not calling me for nearly 7 weeks, telling me she had all the ultrasounds, and wanted me to meet her at 3:00pm at Azars restaurant. I skeptically agreed to meet her because I had some toys and things for the girls, the siblings to the supposedly babies that were to be adopted . At 3:00, no Cynthia, ....3:15, no Cynthia... 3:30, no Cynthia.....I called her house and her sister-in-law answered the phone, I asked for Cynthia, she stated, "She left and said she was leaving the country and never coming back"...I thought she was joking, so I said, "well with a house full of girls, it's no wonder", the sister-in-law didn't laugh. I said "what time did she leave,? She said, "around noon"...I said, "I talked to her at 1:45 when she called me from that house", she then said, "oh, well she got dressed and said she was leaving the country and never coming back after she got done talking to you".
I then drove by her house and her (Cynthia's) truck was there....I was crying uncontrollable, realizing that my counselor was probably correct in her in her suspicions... I went to her doorstep and dropped the toys and clothes I had for the girls and rang the doorbell and went back to my car and left... I then called her, and again, the sister-in-law answered....I simply said, "Rosie, I dropped off a couple big boxes of clothes and toys for the girls, it is on the porch. I am finished!" I hung up. I was crying so bad, I could hardly drive. Again,
Keep us in your prayers!
~ Lesa Taylor ~